Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Phineas gage review

Phineas gage was an american railroad construction foreman. He on September 13th 1848 an accidental explosion of a charge he had set blew his tamping iron threw his head. The tamping iron was 3 feet 7 inches long and weighed 13 1/2 pounds. It was 1 1/4 inches in diameter at one end and tapered over a distance of about 1-foot to a diameter of 1/4 inch at the other. The tamping iron went in point first under his left cheek bone and completely out through the top of his head, landing about 25 to 30 yards behind him.
Some months after the accident, probably in the middle 1849, phineas felt strong enough to resume work. but because his personality had change so much, the contractors who had employed him would not give him his place again. Before the accident he had been their most capable and officiant foreman, one with a well-balanced mind, and who was looked on as a shrewd smart business man. His friends said he was no longer gage. His skull is located at warren anatomical museum Harvard medical school.
Phineas gages doctor is Dr. Harlow. He fixed his brain by putting the rest of his brain back inside his head and bandage it back together. Phineas gage was proud of his tamping iron and took it every where and had it for the rest of his life. He road a carriage instead of a car because of his brain. He became famous because back then they did not have any medicine to cure something so big and have a person survive like phineas gage did.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

I think that the movie contagion was horrifyingly scary and a bit gross. I feel like the movie was related to phineas gage because they both had something to do with germs and bacteria. The movie was also showing how infection perfectionist go around the world to find out ware the virus started and ware its spreading.The movie also related to phineas gage because they were trying to find out what caused him to be different just like in the movie when people got the virus they were acting different.The movie showed how the people where talking about how many times a person touches there face 1000 to 2000 a day. The movie showed how bacteria and germs can spread by touching something and going from one place to another.

Image result for bacteria
My favorite hobbies are doing makeup. I like to do makeup because you get to be creative with it. I like to do different looks with makeup and blend colors together. Another hobbies i like to do is hair because i get to do different types of braids and styles. I also like watching project runway because it shows fashion and it also shows how they make the clothes. Makeup and fashion i like because you can match with your outfit.
Image result for eyeshadow makeup for blue eyes

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

This thanksgiving break i did not get to celebrate thanksgiving because my mom didn't want to go shopping. I stayed home while being bored because i had nothing to do.The only place where i went was joanns. I went to joanns because of school not to have fun.I got fabric from joanns because in my seventh period class i have to make shorts.
This thanksgiving i wanted to be at school so bad because i literally had nothing to do. I felt like i was going to die of  boardem. The most i did was sleeping. I was kinda happy that it rained at least. So that is all i did this thanksgiving weekend.
Image result for thanksgiving wallpaperImage result for thanksgiving

Friday, November 18, 2016

Operating rooms: a brief history
in the 18th century, the medical amphitheater took on a new function.Sometimes allowed as many as 450 people to view operations taking place in hospitals. The large rooms were crowded with the sick and cluttered with medical supplies and waste.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Its crazy how the two girls surgery worked and how they can function normally. The two girls like two do sports. Cameron wants to be a ballerina and Jessie wants to be a basket ball player. The brain is confusing the way how it works. The brain controls your body.
In the first video it made me sad when she was younger because  she went threw seizures 20 times a day.but i was happy when she got the surgery because shes able to not have seizures. I learned that you can live with one side of your brain. If the brain does not work on your right then the left side of your body does not work. If the your brain on the left side of your brain does not work then the right side of your body will not work.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday 11/9/16

1. Why did you not faint?
2. How did you know what to do to save phineas gages life?
3. I would ask phineas gage why did you not faint because of all the blood and brain tissue.
4. i would ask the doctor how did you you know what to do to save phineas gage life because i think it would be interesting to know how he did it.

Image result for phineas gage head in museum

Thursday, November 3, 2016

1. Parietal lobe is movement, Orientation Recognition, Perception. The frontal lobe is reasoning, planning speech , movement, emotions, problem solving. your occipital lobe is visual processing.

2. He survived the rode in his head. His personality changed. The rode went threw his cheek into his brain and out of his head. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016


My post is about makeup. there is high end and drug store makeup. you can find really good dupes for high end makeup. it is important to find out what skin type you are before buying makeup.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


you  can build a table with tools.Chairs you can build that using tools.tools help you build stuff without using your bare hands. tools can be used to dig dirt.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

green leaf lettuce

S greener leaf is more nutritious for you. The mild taste is perfect for picky eaters. It has fiber, iron and b-vitamins. It also gives you vitamins a,k,c.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


these are peppermints and sweet mints and they cost 3.68  and these are for the class to raise money for  field trips and supplies.

Friday, February 26, 2016

youtube videos

up town funk it is funny and fun. 

Daytona 500, 1980 it is boring and I don't get it?

angel baby boring  tired and old.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Project runway Christain Siriano Fashion designer

Christian Siriano Is a fashion designer he became a fashion designer at the age of 13. He was the winner on project runway in season 4. He is the youngest fashion designer in America. 
