Tuesday, November 29, 2016

This thanksgiving break i did not get to celebrate thanksgiving because my mom didn't want to go shopping. I stayed home while being bored because i had nothing to do.The only place where i went was joanns. I went to joanns because of school not to have fun.I got fabric from joanns because in my seventh period class i have to make shorts.
This thanksgiving i wanted to be at school so bad because i literally had nothing to do. I felt like i was going to die of  boardem. The most i did was sleeping. I was kinda happy that it rained at least. So that is all i did this thanksgiving weekend.
Image result for thanksgiving wallpaperImage result for thanksgiving

Friday, November 18, 2016

Operating rooms: a brief history
in the 18th century, the medical amphitheater took on a new function.Sometimes allowed as many as 450 people to view operations taking place in hospitals. The large rooms were crowded with the sick and cluttered with medical supplies and waste.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Its crazy how the two girls surgery worked and how they can function normally. The two girls like two do sports. Cameron wants to be a ballerina and Jessie wants to be a basket ball player. The brain is confusing the way how it works. The brain controls your body.
In the first video it made me sad when she was younger because  she went threw seizures 20 times a day.but i was happy when she got the surgery because shes able to not have seizures. I learned that you can live with one side of your brain. If the brain does not work on your right then the left side of your body does not work. If the your brain on the left side of your brain does not work then the right side of your body will not work.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday 11/9/16

1. Why did you not faint?
2. How did you know what to do to save phineas gages life?
3. I would ask phineas gage why did you not faint because of all the blood and brain tissue.
4. i would ask the doctor how did you you know what to do to save phineas gage life because i think it would be interesting to know how he did it.

Image result for phineas gage head in museum

Thursday, November 3, 2016

1. Parietal lobe is movement, Orientation Recognition, Perception. The frontal lobe is reasoning, planning speech , movement, emotions, problem solving. your occipital lobe is visual processing.

2. He survived the rode in his head. His personality changed. The rode went threw his cheek into his brain and out of his head.